performance sportswear

Privacy statement

Nelson Mandelalaan 1
5222 AD ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing. JDH processes personal data.

Visitor Data

The purpose of processing personal data of website visitors is to provide excellent services. Personal data of website visitors are requested and/or processed based on the legitimate interests of these visitors.

Personal data will only be processed by JDH for the purpose for which they were collected.

If you fill out a contact or registration form on the website or send us an email, the data you provide will be retained for as long as necessary to fully respond to and handle your inquiry or request.

Click Behavior and Visitor Information

General visitor information is tracked on the website. This may include the IP address of your computer, any usernames, the time of retrieval, and data sent by the visitor's browser. This information is used for statistical analyses of website visit and click behavior and to optimize the website's functionality. We strive to anonymize this data as much as possible. This information will not be disclosed to third parties.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track how users use the website and how effective our AdWords advertisements are on Google search result pages. The information obtained, including your computer's IP address, is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Please read Google's privacy policy for more information, as well as Google Analytics' specific privacy policy.

Google uses this information to track how our website is used, provide reports on the website to us, and offer advertisers information about the effectiveness of their campaigns. Google may provide this information to third parties if legally required or if these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no control over this. We have not allowed Google to use the obtained analytics information for other Google services.

Use of Cookies

JDH aims to make your visit to the website as simple and personalized as possible. For this purpose, we use cookies. With cookies, we and third parties can track and collect your internet behavior both on and off the website. Using this information, we optimize our website and tailor our communications and advertisements, as well as those of third parties, to your interests. On our Cookies page, we provide an overview of all the cookies we use, and you can change or revoke your consent at any time.

Source of Processed Data

When processed personal data is not obtained from yourself, the source of the data is your employer.

Disclosure of Personal Data

Recipients of personal data are service providers to whom the data is transferred for the purpose of providing services.

Transfer outside the EU or an International Organization

Personal data is generally not transferred outside the EU or to an international organization. Transfers will be explicitly recorded and communicated to the data subject when other legal grounds than the GDPR do not take precedence.

Data Retention Period

JDH does not retain personal data for longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, to comply with legal obligations, or to perform agreements.

Your Rights as a Data Subject

Based on the General Data Protection Regulation, you have multiple rights. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, you can make a written request using the contact details provided in this privacy statement. It is important that you identify yourself with a valid identity document. The rights you have are as follows:

- Right of Access: You can inquire about the data JDH processes about you, the purpose of processing, and how long it will be retained.
- Right to Rectification: If you believe that certain data has been processed incorrectly, you have the right to request rectification of this data.
- Right to Erasure (Right to Be Forgotten): If you want your personal data to be deleted, you can make a request for erasure.
- Right to Restriction of Processing: If you wish to restrict the processing of personal data by JDH, you can make a request for this.
- Right to Data Portability: If you want to transfer personal data processed by JDH to another healthcare provider, you can make a request for this.
- Right to Object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data due to your specific situation. If you want to exercise this right, you can make a request for this.
- Right Not to Be Subject to Automated Decision Making, Including Profiling: Since JDH does not engage in automated decision-making or profiling, this right does not apply.
- Withdrawal of Consent: If JDH processes personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. You can do this in writing.

Possible Limitations in Exercising Your Rights Based on the General Data Protection Regulation

JDH makes every effort to comply with your rights based on the General Data Protection Regulation. However, it may happen that these rights conflict with other legal provisions, such as those set by the Tax Authority or similar laws and regulations. In such cases, JDH will carefully consider which of these matters weighs more heavily and will decide on the basis of this which way to handle your request. You will be notified of this in writing.

Complaints about the Processing of Your Personal Data by JDH

If you have complaints about the processing of your personal data by JDH, we would like to hear from you through the contact details at the top of this privacy statement. You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). You can do this via the website

Met cookies en vergelijkbare technieken kunnen we elke dag betere en meer gepersonaliseerde hulp bieden. Dankzij functionele cookies werkt de website goed. Ze hebben ook een analytische functie. Zo kunnen we de website elke dag een beetje beter maken. Wil je meer weten? Lees hier alles over onze cookie- en privacyverklaring. Klik op 'OK' om alles te accepteren. Kies je voor weigeren? We gebruiken alleen functionele en analytische cookies en vergelijkbare technieken.